Sunday, December 26, 2010

What is your New Year Resolution?

Come year end, many people will starting thinking about their new year resolutions for the coming year.  So, what is/are your new year resolution/s?  How many new year resolutions have you to set for yourself this coming year?  What about reflections on the past year? How have the year been treating you?  How many of your current year resolution/s have you achieved?  What lessons are learnt from this past year?

A couple of things I learnt about new year resolutions. 

1) Always have this written somewhere you can remember! Yes, somehow I am sure I had it written somewhere...BUT I have totally forgotten where that somewhere is :)
2) Resolutions should be something not too far fetched and totally unattainable.  It should be something attainable (if you put in the right effort).  This is where you will feel motivated instead of demoralised to achieve
3) Resolutions should also not be something too easily achievable.  If such is the case, there is no real effort required to work towards these resolutions
4) Perhaps not a super long list of resolutions?  Personally, I would think 1 in each key area of your life eg : family? work? personal development? kids?
5) Look back at the resolutions set the past year to determine if there are any which you should keep and make a real serious affort to achieve or some which you may want to amend slightly
6) Keep it in mind and always review review and review.  Take the list out every 3months to see what you are working on, what should be worked on harder.  Hopefully, this motivates you to work towards those not yet started/achieved.

So, lets all put some thoughts to your new year resolution and have it ready when the new year comes!

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